To Catch a Man: The Secrets to Finding Everlasting LOVE and Happiness is a dating memoir that empowers women to find the man of their dreams via stories of Jeannie Heller’s own adventures in seven years of dating.

Jeannie Heller about her dating advice:
“I empower women with my Four-Date Rule: go out on four dates before you decide whether he’s the guy for you. Why? Because usually, it takes men that long to relax and be themselves. If you make up your mind after the first or second date, you could be missing out on someone great. I speak from experience – I almost didn’t go out on a fourth date with my now-husband. Thank God I did!
“I am uniquely qualified to write this book, as wherever I go, men are drawn to me (even though I’m not a supermodel nor a flirt). In fact, my friends dubbed me the ‘man magnet.’ Perhaps it’s because I’m good at focusing on others, or maybe it’s that I’m open and friendly without being needy or desperate. Men just seem to feel comfortable around me. I show my readers how to have that same magnetism in To Catch a Man.
“If you’re a woman who needs a guide to find the right man, To Catch a Man is an ideal book for you. Heller writes as if she were talking to a friend so the reading is very pleasant. I like that she advises her readers to consider finding the right man a job because that puts every other piece of advice she gives in a different light. The meaning of To Catch a Man becomes much deeper and although the tone is conversational there is never the risk of forgetting that the goal is serious. Moreover, I appreciate that Jeannie Heller often points out how a woman must have confidence in herself because lack of it is often the reason she does not get what she wants.”
“I read To Catch a Man specifically because I am a man and wonder how well author Jeannie Heller understands men. The answer is: pretty well. The practices she advises are exactly what I wish women I dated would have done. For example, she recommends four dates before you decide whether to pursue a relationship. Read the book and we, men and women, can all learn from Heller. And hopefully, find our own everlasting happiness.”
Where to Buy
Amazon UK: citystonepress.com/ToCatchaMan
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Read an Excerpt
Click here to read the Foreword & Introduction of To Catch a Man.