Book Club Questions

Dear readers of To Catch a Man,

Are you part of a book club or maybe thinking of setting one up? Why not discuss Jeannie’s dating memoir, To Catch a Man. It’s fun, it’s insightful, it’s filled with tips and, best of all, it’s all been researched and tested.

Yes, Jeannie Heller has used her life experience in the dating scene to help you find your Mr Right. You just need to know how to approach him. And … maybe you need to recognise him first. He might be right under your nose but without Jeannie’s advice, you might very well have ‘passed him over.’

On this page, you will find a set of questions to help any discussion about To Catch a Man get started. Why not sit down with Jeannie’s book and some good friends, a nice cuppa (we won’t mention alcohol here…) and delicious cookies and begin with the first question!

Have fun!

  • So… let’s start with a question about your dating life… What is your dating experience? What is it about To Catch a Man that intrigued you and made you want to read it?
  • What did you like best about To Catch a Man?
  • What do you think of Jeannie Heller’s life story?
  • Which tip from To Catch a Man would you want to try out? Would it work for you?
  • What did you think of Jeannie’s Egyptian adventure?
  • Do you think you could find your Mr Right with Jeannie’s book? And if you have found him already (congratulations!), did you use any of the suggested methods?
  • What new things did you learn? And… what questions do you still have?
  • Conveying a life’s experience in a way that’s understandable and enjoyable can be a challenge. How well do you feel Jeannie did this? What do you think of her writing style?
  • How did you feel after reading To Catch a Man?
  • What aspects could you most relate to? Which part of the book spoke to you most?
  • How honest do you think Jeannie Heller was in relating her life story? And which particular story stood out for you, whether it’s positive or negative?
  • Do you think the summary at the end of chapters made it easier to remember the tips?
  • How do you feel about the ‘no alcohol’ rule?
  • And what about the ‘work’ attitude whilst dating?
  • Do you know a man magnet? Or maybe you are one yourself! How does that (make you) feel?
  • Do you believe in ‘happy ever after’?